
This weekend marks the start of this year’s Brighton Festival and the opening of doors across the City, as people welcome the wandering public into their Artist Open Houses.  From Hanover to Hove, and even out to the Village of Ditchling, a wide range of artists will be moving round their furniture and packing their walls with their own art and many others besides.

It is a great opportunity to discover the wealth of local talent, whilst at the same time pick up little tips and ideas from the various properties about interior design to give you the next job on the dreaded DIY list.  Of course don’t forget that all the art is for sale and if you’re thinking of selling then some lovely art on the walls will help you make a house like a home for your buyers.

This year’s Hanover Art Trail, which we proudly sponsor, has even been running an art competition for the local children.  The two winners will have their art framed and displayed in open houses 4 and 6 of the Hanover trail, the runners up will be at house 5 and the best of the rest at house 2.

Our office is also transformed into an open house throughout the month, so we look forward to seeing you at some point through the festival to enjoy our artist’s offerings of 2015.

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