Five things to consider before photographing your home.

Set the scene

Consider your target market and dress your home accordingly. Declutter and leave clean lines, but don’t make it too stark and bare. Most buyers are looking for a home and subtle details enhance that view. Art on the walls, soft furnishings and throws and a few select ornaments all help to deliver this. For the shoot try to hide boxes of toys, piles of magazines and bins. Organise bookshelves and place some plants and flowers around the house.

Time the shoot

Think about the time of day that the photos are taken. Where is the sun sitting in the sky to fill the property with the best light. An overcast day can actually be better for internal shots but catching the sun in the right place can make all the difference in the garden and out the front.

Outside is as important as in

Don’t forget to dress the garden, or at the very least tidy things up. If you have a large garden this is a huge asset and it needs to look its best, and also appear manageable. If your garden is small you want to make it look like a useable space – an additional living space. Mow the grass, tidy borders, put out some garden furniture. Also, let the photographer know if there are any bits of the garden you particularly love and want photographed.


Always a tricky one this as we’re a nation of animal lovers but they can pose problems when selling a home. Try to keep animals out of photos – unless you’re selling a farm or equestrian facility. The hard work you put in to show of your home as the height of sophistication can be lost if your trusty lab is lounging on the sofa. Likewise, hide dog bowls, litter trays and pet beds for the photos.

Don’t be afraid to get the photographer back

It is not offensive to ask the photographer to come back. The photos matter and a good photographer will be happy to do this. There are lots of reasons why it might be necessary, the light wasn’t right, it’s raining, you forgot to move the nappy bin in the background of the picture of the kid’s room. There is one chance to launch to market for the first time and it’s really important to get it right.


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